Building Block Resources
A Culture of Prayer
Team members regularly pray together and invite God into their discussions and decisions.
A Culture of Healthy Teamwork
Team members commit to and practice the Five Behaviors of a Team.
A Culture of Active Discipleship
Team members actively engage and invest in the faith lives of each other and others.

3 Temptations to Avoid in Parish Evangelization
You might have caught our recent webinar - The Simple Discipline of Ev...
The Simple Discipline of Evangelizing: Webinar Recording
Here’s the heart of the message: We complicate evangelization but...

Why you should treat your employees like volunteers and vice versa
As you prepare for a new year of ministry in your parish, you’re prob...

5 Ways to Boost Staff Morale and Trust this Summer
It’s that time of year. School is getting out, vacations are around th...

The key to homilies and talks that stick
It’s been said that what we know matters but who we are matters more. ...

Simple ways to build on your Easter momentum
Happy Easter! Christ is risen and we pray that you and your parish com...

Church leaders can’t be pleasers
Do you worry about disappointing people in your parish with your decis...

Your greatest area of influence as a leader
When you drive up to the parish office and walk inside, what responsib...

A simple choice can transform your key leaders
What will make your parish the life-giving community of disciples Jesu...
The Secret to Happy & Engaged Employees: Webinar Recording
If you look around your parish and already see staff who are: hig...
Hat Tricks – Eliminating confusion around the many roles of a leader: Webinar Recording
Without clarity on which “hat” you are wearing in a given moment as a...
Difficult Conversations Around Performance: Webinar Recording
No matter where you are in your leadership and the transformation of y...
The Hidden Roadblock of Leadership: Webinar Recording
"Once we become free, our wounds become a source of healing for others...
The Simple Discipline of Evangelizing: Webinar Recording
Here’s the heart of the message: We complicate evangelization but...
The Heroic Pastors Our World Needs
A webinar for pastors who want to be courageous leaders in a hostile w...
Heroic Pastors: leading in uncertain times
More than 6 years ago when we started this movement, we called it The...
Leadership & Courage: Essentials for Every Pastor
Difficult conversations. Your temptation might be to avoid them altoge...
The Things Only a Pastor Can Do
"Parishes that want to fulfill their potential as outposts of the Grea...
What Every Catholic Pastor Needs to Hear Right Now
"We have done this together over the past 2 weeks, 12 of us in all, an...
Emerge Stronger by Creating a New, Better, Normal
Parishes that want to fulfill their potential as outposts of the Great...
Taking Your Team to the Next Level
We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team (PLT) members...
Amazing Parish Webinar: Why It’s Worth It
Amazing Parish Webinar: Why It's Worth It Over the past year, The Ama...
Three Tips to Move Your Parish Forward
We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team (PLT) members...
Your Role as a Parish Leadership Team Member
There are many important councils and committees at a parish, but the...
Building and Spreading a Culture of Prayer and Discipleship in Your Office
The parish is the place that people come to looking for help, support...
Post-Conference Webinar: Four Tips for Moving Your Parish Forward
We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team members about...
Who Should Be on Your Leadership Team
One of the greatest challenges pastors face is selecting the right tea...
Circle of Concern & Circle of Influence
In this webinar, Patrick Lencioni and Matthew Rudolph address the chal...
Three Common Mistakes That Prevent Progress
This webinar features New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni....
The Four Ingredients of an Amazing Homily
A webinar and Q&A session with New York Times best-selling author...
Amazing Parish Best Practices: Getting Clear About What Works
This webinar features New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni ...
The Better Pastor: An Honest Look at the Challenges of Leading a Parish
Check out the recording of our latest webinar featuring Pat Lencioni!...

Webinar: Hospitality During the Holidays and Beyond!
Click here to view this webinar...
First Steps to Creating an Amazing Parish Webinar Recording
Download Webinar Slides...
Pat Lencioni 2017 USCCB Convocation Keynote
Pat Lencioni speaks to the 2017 USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders...
Post Conference Video Message from Pat Lencioni
Pat Lencioni speaks to the 2017 Atlanta Amazing Parish conference part...