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A webinar and Q&A session with New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni and Catholic speaker and author Jeff Cavins.

Amazing homilies are the quickest way to improve your parish’s Sunday Experience. In this webinar, you’ll learn four concrete ways to maximize the impact of the message at your parish’s weekend liturgies.

2 thoughts on “The Four Ingredients of an Amazing Homily

  1. Heard about this on Relevant Radio this morning. 640 AM- Amazing is the word that got me. There is a lot of work to be done if any parish can acquire “Amazing” but sounds good to me.

  2. This was advice for the development of homilies. My Pastor just attended the Atlanta conference and came back with the idea to develop a theme for homilies and critique homilies. Since the priests talk in the rectory, he is encouraging the Deacon’s, who preach on month end, to develop a theme from the scripture, before preparing our homilies. Also we intend to critique homilies monthly with priests and deacons. (This suggestion went over like a lead balloon, but I am sure after reviewing this video, it will open some eyes.) Lastly the “POUR” approach makes a ton of sense. I am a Senior Manager and support the Gallup Strength Finder Survey. Here they suggest to focus on your strengths. This is something I intend to do, within the boundaries of POUR. Great stuff!

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