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What will make your parish the life-giving community of disciples Jesus desires it to be? Is it a flashy program or a shiny new building? Is it a well-padded bank account or offering a TON of ministries for every group under the sun?

We don’t think so.

At the heart of a truly amazing parish are leaders who have encountered Jesus, become his disciples, and chosen to lead like him.

So, how did Jesus lead? Jesus invested deeply in a few and entrusted them with responsibility to invest in others. This is rarely the way a parish thinks or operates.

Most priests and parish leaders spend the bulk of their time caring for the needs of their parishioners, while often neglecting deep investment in prayer and discipleship among staff and key volunteers who lead the mission. Imagine Jesus being “too busy” to prioritize prayer with Peter, James, and John or the twelve disciples.

If you want your parish to fulfill its mission, no matter what your role, invest deeply in those around you. “Waste” time praying with and living discipleship together. In doing so, you will create a culture where parishioners can come to encounter Christ, not only through an event or offering, but through YOU.


Take Action:

  • Do I see investing in my staff and volunteers as a waste of time or less important than the needs of my parishioners?
  • Who are two people on my staff or volunteer team who I have not invested in recently? What can I do this week to prioritize these relationships?

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