Archdiocese of Boston identifies Amazing Parish’s building blocks as critical keys to parish success

“…these building blocks are not complicated or difficult to implement. If anything, they may seem so obvious that they are overlooked and not given the importance they deserve.”

Written by Sr. Pat Boyle | The Boston Pilot | September 22, 2017

Everyone admits that doing the work of evangelization has made the work of priests, staffs and parishioners more challenging. The reason is that for many Catholics, living and acting like a disciple was not something that was talked about or given much thought. It was generally just taken for granted. It has been stated over and over that being disciples and living as missionary disciples, as the bishops of the U. S. have asked, requires a more intentional way of living and practicing our faith.

As mentioned in previous articles, there are many books written about the topics of evangelization and discipleship. Colleges and universities have hosted lectures on the topic. In addition, there are several organizations that have turned their focus to helping Catholics better understand evangelization and its relevance to life today. One such movement is “The Amazing Parish.” The organizers of Amazing Parish have as their goal, “a strong commitment to supporting pastors and their leadership teams in parishes as they strive to live Christ’s great commission to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.'” This organization hosts webinars, provides online courses, and resources, all with the aim of making “amazing parishes.” The leadership of Amazing Parish strongly encourages the use of their resources as a means of strengthening parish life and the work of evangelization. For more information about Amazing Parish go to

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