You might have caught our recent webinar - The Simple Discipline of Evangelization with Pat Lencioni and Fr. Michael Fye. If you haven’t gotten around to watching it yet, it’s a valuable use of an hour for you, your parish staff, and any teams you lead within the...
The Simple Discipline of Evangelizing: Webinar Recording
Here’s the heart of the message: We complicate evangelization but it’s really about person to person sharing of Jesus You don’t need a Master’s Degree or special training to evangelize, all you need is genuine care and the courage to ask: “What’s going on in your life...
Why you should treat your employees like volunteers and vice versa
As you prepare for a new year of ministry in your parish, you’re probably thinking about recruiting new volunteers or staff and training them for their responsibilities. You might be struggling to find the right person for a role or wondering how to raise the...
5 Ways to Boost Staff Morale and Trust this Summer
It’s that time of year. School is getting out, vacations are around the corner, and the flow of parish life is changing. You and your staff might be a bit worn out after Lent, Easter and First Communions. This is a great time to ask yourself: what can I do to boost...
The key to homilies and talks that stick
It’s been said that what we know matters but who we are matters more. We’ve all experienced the increased trust and connection that is created when someone has been open and honest with us about their joys and struggles in life. Especially if that person was some kind...
Simple ways to build on your Easter momentum
Happy Easter! Christ is risen and we pray that you and your parish community are experiencing the joy of the season. If you’re like most parish leaders, you spent countless hours over the past few weeks preparing for Holy Week and the Triduum. At this point, you might...
Church leaders can’t be pleasers
Do you worry about disappointing people in your parish with your decisions and actions? Often, church leaders want to be sure that their community knows how much they are loved and cared for. The idea of making someone uncomfortable by saying “no”, giving difficult...
Your greatest area of influence as a leader
When you drive up to the parish office and walk inside, what responsibilities are on your mind? For many parish leaders, it’s their overflowing email inbox, the projects they didn’t finish last week, or the latest fires that have popped up to be put out. It’s normal...
A simple choice can transform your key leaders
What will make your parish the life-giving community of disciples Jesus desires it to be? Is it a flashy program or a shiny new building? Is it a well-padded bank account or offering a TON of ministries for every group under the sun? We don’t think so. At the heart of...