5 Signs You Attend A Healthy Parish

5 Signs You Attend A Healthy Parish

By Caitlin Bootsma | August 22, 2016 Business guru Patrick Lencioni is well-known for his expertise on organizational health. In fact, he is a New York Times best-selling author of books like The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and Death by Meeting. But Lencioni is also a...

Over 600 parish leaders attend August 2015 conference

Over 600 parish leaders attend August 2015 conference

Denver – The Amazing Parish conference drew over 450 participants to a two-day conference filled to capacity to hear from nationally known Catholic speakers about to how to create dynamic parishes focused on Evangelization and Discipleship. “We are seeing a tremendous...

By Nissa LaPoint • Catholic News Service Catholic heavyweights behind a Denver-launched parish revitalization movement shared with evangelizers ideas on how to convert the unchurched into front-pew regulars. Some 140 parishes and organizations from as far as New York...