We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team members about the challenges of settling back into parish life after the conference, and we're excited to share some concrete and practical tips for helping you and your team through the process. In this...
Who Should Be on Your Leadership Team
One of the greatest challenges pastors face is selecting the right team of people to support them and share in responsibly for running their parish. In this webinar, Pat Lencioni and Bill Weingartner address the important factors pastors should consider in choosing...
Circle of Concern & Circle of Influence
In this webinar, Patrick Lencioni and Matthew Rudolph address the challenging dynamics between the circle of concern and the circle of influence that pastors and parish leaders face every day. During this webinar, you’ll also hear from pastors who have experienced...
Three Common Mistakes That Prevent Progress
This webinar features New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni. In this webinar, we address the common traits of thriving teams in parishes across North America. You’ll also hear from pastors who want you to learn both from their failed efforts and from the...
The Four Ingredients of an Amazing Homily
A webinar and Q&A session with New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni and Catholic speaker and author Jeff Cavins. Amazing homilies are the quickest way to improve your parish’s Sunday Experience. In this webinar, you'll learn four concrete ways to...
Amazing Parish Best Practices: Getting Clear About What Works
This webinar features New York Times best-selling author Pat Lencioni and Catholic speaker and author Jeff Cavins. In this webinar, you’ll learn 4 best practices that help a parish leadership team build a thriving parish. In working with parishes across the country,...
The Better Pastor: An Honest Look at the Challenges of Leading a Parish
Check out the recording of our latest webinar featuring Pat Lencioni! We partnered with Our Sunday Visitor this time, so you'll notice a new webinar interface. Listen as Pat shares about his inspiration for his new book, The Better Pastor, which was sent to over...
Real Life Evangelization with Chris Stefanick
Webinar: Hospitality During the Holidays and Beyond!
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2215483315692542466Click here to view this webinar