Difficult conversations. Your temptation might be to avoid them altogether, and you’re not alone. We’ve surveyed pastors across the country and received feedback that “Having difficult conversations” is the most challenging of the 5 things that only a pastor can do....
The Things Only a Pastor Can Do
"Parishes that want to fulfill their potential as outposts of the Great Commission must have offices that ooze the love that comes from prayer, fellowship and wall-to-wall ministry. Is that your parish office?” - Pat Lencioni
What Every Catholic Pastor Needs to Hear Right Now
"We have done this together over the past 2 weeks, 12 of us in all, and it was so fruitful, so revelatory, so engaging, so refreshing, and very much inspiring for us!" - Fr. Mario Quejadas
Emerge Stronger by Creating a New, Better, Normal
Parishes that want to fulfill their potential as outposts of the Great Commission must have offices that ooze the love that comes from prayer, fellowship and wall-to-wall ministry. Is that your parish office? If not, take these simple steps, and watch what happens....
Clarity in Crisis
Taking Your Team to the Next Level
We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team (PLT) members about the challenges of settling back into parish life after the conference, and we're excited to share some concrete and practical tips for helping you and your team through the process. During...
Amazing Parish Webinar: Why It’s Worth It
Amazing Parish Webinar: Why It's Worth It Over the past year, The Amazing Parish has grown by leaps and bounds. We're now able to offer so much more to pastors and their leadership teams to help them transform their parishes. Whether you've been to an Amazing Parish...
Three Tips to Move Your Parish Forward
We've heard from many pastors and parish leadership team (PLT) members about the challenges of settling back into parish life after the conference, and we're excited to share some concrete and practical tips for helping you and your team through the process. During...
Your Role as a Parish Leadership Team Member
There are many important councils and committees at a parish, but the role of the parish leadership team (PLT) is a very unique one. As the Milwaukee conference quickly approaches, it's crucial for conference attendees to understand the role that they play as a PLT...
Building and Spreading a Culture of Prayer and Discipleship in Your Office
The parish is the place that people come to looking for help, support and resources in times of need. If we're not careful, many of our parish offices can feel more like businesses rather than centers of evangelization and discipleship. During this webinar, you'll...