It was the year 2019. Fr. Andrew Chung was the new administrator at St. Pancratius in Lakewood, CA. Fr. Chung was feeling very alone and confused as a leader before he encountered the Amazing Parish movement. He knew something needed to change but was not familiar...

Beautiful Simplicity at Mass
I was out of town a few weekends ago at one of those youth sports extravaganzas in Reno, Nevada. Between games, my son and I found a Catholic Church and went to Mass. Now, I like to go to parishes that I’ve never visited, or even heard of, because it gives me a sense...
Engaging Meetings
Managing Transition
A Real Leadership Team – Working Styles
A Real Leadership Team – The Five Dysfunctions of a Team & Team Assessment
The Three Building Blocks of an Amazing Parish & The Five Misconceptions of a Parish Team
A Reliance on Prayer – Sr. Regina Marie, O.C.D.

Pastors and Their Associates
In the process of helping pastors and their teams try to build amazing parishes, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a real problem in the Church that isn’t being properly addressed. It seems to be a somewhat sensitive issue, one that is easy to avoid, but it...